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Kobelt 4607 Electric Power Assist 12V


Kobelt 4607 Electric Power Assist 12V

The purpose of the 4607 is to provide a power assist for hard to move push pulls cable systems. Its maximum force is 120"lbs. A DC power supply is required, either 12V (standard) or 24V (on request) a terminal strip is provided for connecting the DC power. In order to install the wire, the cover for the terminal strip must be removed and the wire must be inserted through the connector provided and feed through to the terminal strip. The positive wire must be connected to the red wire and the negative to the white, where one must be absolutely sure that the right polarity is used. The terminal strip is located on the mechanical input side.

ATTENTION - The movement characteristic of 4607 is such that it works GOOD with transmission functions (forward - neutral - reverse), but NOT GOOD (tuning not fine enough) with throttle functions!

The cable coming from the control head must be connected to the input side. A pointer is provided on the shaft to indicate its position, since the bracket can be installed in six different ways. The lever must be removed to coincide with bracket and cable lead. The pointer must not be removed since it is the only indication for mid position. On the output side, the bracket can be installed in eight different ways.

A 3" stroke cable can be installed on the input side and a 4" cable can be on the output side. By installing the input cable (3" stroke) on the second hole from the end of the input lever and installing the output cable on the last hole on the actuator lever, it will increase the stroke to 3-3/4. On long cable runs it is more than likely that there will be a lot of lost motion in the incoming cable and by arranging the cable on lever the motion can be retained.

2 - 4 weeks


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