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Clear Filters

Grills, barbecue & Cookware

Magma Barbeque Grills are made of stainless steel, and are established worldwide. The product is first class in its quality and the only one that is truly specialized for on-board use. Magma was founded in 1976 in the USA, and all Magma products are produced in the USA.

We supply grills for charcoal and gas operation. The gas grills are operated on a Campingaz bottle or on the propane system. There are small and large models, also a wok. Everything is made from highly polished stainless steel.

Accompanied by a comprehensive range of accessories - from UV-resistant bags to barbecue utensils and various holders - for the railing, bulkhead or side wall, for vertical or horizontal mounting, for use on land or on board.

The program is rounded off by serving / filleting tables and nice cockpit umbrellas (see the respective categories).

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